Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

  • Helps to produce and break down some fatty acids.
  • Needed for healthy bones and hair.
  • Helps convert food into energy.
  • Aids in the synthesis of glucose.

Recommended daily amounts:

Female: 30 mcg

Male: 30 mcg 

Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B7 (grains): Teff

Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B7 (nuts): Almonds, Brazil nuts, Walnuts. 

Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B7 (Pulses): Beluga Lentils, Brown Lentils, Chickpeas, Green lentils, Red Lentils.

Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B7 (Seeds): Black Sesame seeds, White Sesame seeds.

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