Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
Molecular Formula: C12 H17 ClN4 OS
- Essential for healthy brain and nerve functions.
- Thiamine reacts with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to form an active coenzyme, thiamine pyrophosphate.
- Needed for healthy hair and skin.
- Used to convert food into energy.
- Helps to build healthy muscles.
Recommended daily amounts:
Female: 1.1 mcg
Male: 1.2 mcg
Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B1 (Herbs): Cayenne, Dandelion leaf/root, Raspberry leaf.
Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B1 (Fruits): Golden berries.
Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B1 (grains): Amaranth, Teff, Black Quinoa, Red Quinoa and White Quinoa.
Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B1 (Nuts): Brazil nuts, Walnuts.
Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B1 (Pulses): Beluga Lentils, Brown Lentils, Chickpeas, Green lentils, Red Lentils.
Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B1 (Powder): Kelp.
Aja & Nova products that contain Vitamin B1 (Seeds): Chia seeds, Hemp seeds, Black Sesame seeds, White Sesame seeds.
Other sources of Vitamin B1: Brown rice & whole grains, Wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, oats, legumes (Lentils, chickpeas), cereals, sunflower seeds, nuts, watermelon.